University of North Texas - Elo Profile

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University of North Texas Elo History

Competition History

Comp Placement Rank Before Rank After Rank Change Elo Before Elo After Elo Change
MI 23 83 / 114 489 650 +161 1393 1235 -157.7
MI 22 29 / 43 443 480 +37 1439 1393 -45.7
LN 19 45 / 76 444 430 -14 1415 1439 +24.1
LN 18 50 / 66 147 425 +278 1882 1415 -467.7
LN 17 13 / 70 345 139 -206 1483 1882 +399.9
LN 16 33 / 69 541 324 -217 1201 1483 +281.5
LN 15 63 / 64 186 508 +322 1735 1201 -534.1
LN 14 27 / 66 241 173 -68 1589 1735 +146.4
LN 13 31 / 60 270 236 -34 1500 1589 +89.3

Generated on 2025-03-25 14:45:04