University of Kentucky - Elo Profile

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University of Kentucky Elo History

Competition History

Comp Placement Rank Before Rank After Rank Change Elo Before Elo After Elo Change
MI 24 49 / 108 299 308 +9 1631 1623 -8.3
MI 23 53 / 114 257 297 +40 1677 1631 -45.8
MI 22 41 / 89 437 258 -179 1447 1677 +229.7
MI 19 68 / 108 622 417 -205 1209 1447 +238.2
LN 18 46 / 66 666 600 -66 1128 1209 +81.0
MI 17 86 / 109 627 613 -14 1111 1128 +17.1
MI 16 89 / 114 696 590 -106 842 1111 +269.6
MI 02 111 / 121 90 173 +83 1500 842 -658.0

Generated on 2025-03-25 14:44:48